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Cape 31 International Class Rule


Cape 31 International Class Rules Q&A


To submit a Class Rules question please email -


International Rules Section C - Conditions for Racing


Can we have 'on-deck' downwind jib Sheets?

Yes, as long as no holes are drilled anywhere on the boat to install downwind sheets, then they are permitted. 


Can holes be drilled in the cockpit sides to install traveller blocks and a traveller take up system?  

No. Padeyes can be glued onto the side of the cockpit for this purpose however holes may not be drilled. 


Can holes be drilled in the cockpit sides to allow the fine tune to be 'endless'?  

No. Padeyes can be glued onto the side of the cockpit for this purpose however holes may not be drilled.


Can we be weighed at any time during a regatta?  

Yes, the class rule provides that a team may be spot weighed at any point during a regatta. The ethos of the class is that we are a non dipping class, that why we have the opportunity to do random weight checks. We want it to be fun we don't want hungry dehydrated sailors.


What is the penalty for being overweight?

A team can be disqualified from that regatta for being overweight. 


Can we dive our boat during a regatta?

No, unless the regatta is longer than 3 days then it can be dived once without breathing equipment and once again 2 days later. See clause 15.


Can we be weighed at any time during a regatta?  

Yes, the class rule provides that a team may be spot weighed at any point during a regatta. The ethos of the class is that we are a non dipping class, that why we have the opportunity to do random weight checks. We want it to be fun we don't want hungry dehydrated sailors.


Are these tie downs allowed?









After discussions with Mark Mills these are allowed due to the increase in jib halyard loads.


International Rules Section D - Rig


Can a floating Handy Billy be attached to the boom?



What is the maximum design limit load for headstay tension?

The design limit load is 1.8 tonnes. Above this load certain rigging components will show permanent signs of stress. This can void any warranty and in the event of an insurance claim evidence of this stress may compromise your claim


International Rules Section E - Sails



International Rules - Other


Can I fair my sail drive?

No, sail drives must not be faired.  Any sign of this can result in your Builders Certificate being voided. Sail drives may be painted only. Please contact Class Measurer to ensure compliance.



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