UK News
Full event details and notice board can be found on Class Management System

With over 20 teams from around the globe the UK has an awesome established Race Circuit. The majority of the racing runs from Hamble and Cowes with some away events.
UK Fleet
7 Fanatic
9 Jiraffe
16 Nifty
17 Gallivanter
20 Short Echo
21 Tokoloshe
23 Tonto
24 Toucan​
26 ShotGunn
27 Black Star
28 Antix
29 Valkyrie
30 Narwhal
31 Adrenaline
32 Flying Jenny
33 The Bodfather​
34 Flurg
38 Motions
41 Jubilee
42 Khumbu
43 Chaotic
44 Fargo
45 Bullit
48 Squirrel​
49 Katabatic
53 Akheilos
56 La Pericolosa
67 Khumbu 3
69 Tokoloshe LXIX
Class Manager/Secretary - Tor Tomlinson Cheney - team@cape31class.com
UK Class Committee
Lance Adams - Katabatic lance551025@yahoo.co.uk
Simon Perry - Jiraffe simon@durfordabbey.com
David Cummins - Flurg davidjcummins@gmail.com
Sales - sales@31northyachting.com